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Let Compass ProDrive take the hassle out of booking your test

Our flexible approach means we can book your test on your behalf.

We can arrange for you to sit your test at the most suitable time for you, once your instructor feels you are ready, and if necessary this booking can be changed remotely whilst in the car.

Recommend A Friend

When you recommend Compass ProDrive to a friend whilst as a current pupil, we will give you one free lesson. The more friends you recommend us to, the more free lessons you’ll get as you learn with us.

PLEASE NOTE: When purchasing a block of lessons we in no way guarantee this will be sufficient to ensure you are test ready, you therefore will only be taken to test on best advice from your instructor


Special offers

PASS PLUS: £300- 6 Hours


2 Hours: £100


1.5 Hours: £75

2 Hours: £85

10 Hours:  £410

20 Hours: £800

Driving Test: 2.5hr slot which includes 1hr before test, test time then drop off- £100

****Lessons cancelled with less than 48 hours working days notice will be charged****

***First lesson must be paid as a deposit to secure lesson time and date***

**Payment for lessons must be paid in advance of agreed lesson time and date**

*Block booking prices agreed with Compass ProDrive must be paid up in full at the first lesson*

Block booking prices cannot be broken down into smaller segments for payment over a period of time.

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Alternatively fill in the form and we will email or call you back.